
1000+ books at AbeBooks


With our most recent update to our inventory at AbeBooks, we (finally) managed to surpass 1000 titles.

Although this is a mere 10% of our entire online inventory available at, it is still satisfying for us. Our decision to join AbeBooks has proven that, although our main objective is – and will continue to be – books in Swedish and relating to Sweden, customers from places as Argentina, Japan, Germany and Australia (the list could go on) apparently appreciate our stock.

Thank you to all that have visited us this far, and special thanks to Udo and Shane at AbeBooks for making this cooperation a success!

You can browse our books on AbeBooks here.

Torsdag den 10 mars

I morgon torsdag (den 10 mars) kommer Mats Rehnström att vara på plats mellan 15:00 och 17:45, men antikvariatet är öppet som vanligt till klockan 18:30.

Katalog 82

k82_storIdag distribueras vår senaste tryckta katalog, nummer 82, som innehåller gastronomi, hippologi och svenskt 1600-tal till våra subskribenter.

Den kommer inom kort även att göras tillgänglig i digitalt format.